The quickest way to get a scary reputation is to go around quoting the
founding fathers.
Dale C. :0)
Subject: boy howdy
BOY HOWDY -you can say that again
how's this one for ya Jack ?
A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have
sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any
who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.
-George Washington
Cheers,.. -it's your pal, "Dirt Track Doug"
Forever leading the way in the eternal search for Hot Blues,
Cold Beer, Fast Cars and Warm Willing Women...
Dog training, Modersickle parts, Aerial Surveillance, Match Races,
Killer Minibikes, Babes Oogled, Flintlock Rifles, Bears Neutered,
Certified USDA Beer Tester, Political Analyst, Wheel stands enjoyed,
-and "Slide Jobs" fully appreciated for the FINE art that they are.
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