Because from my reading of the book GT is a sub-class of Production with
it's own set of exceptions to the general rules in production. Just like a
lakester is in special construction with streamliners. Each has their own
set of specific allowances and exceptions particular to lakester and
streamliner but also share many rules in common. You could build a 4 wheel
drive lakester as that is legal in special construction but it can only have
one engine part a general rule the second part a specific exception for
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Odom []
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 7:56 PM
> To: Dave Dahlgren
> Cc: Corvette Salt Racer; James Tone;;
> Subject: Re: Subject: Re: First car?
> Dave, Why are the records for the GT class listed in section 6.F
> Dave Dahlgren wrote:
> >read page 63 a production car is one that is not one that is properly
> >classified as a gt, such as foreign cars without rear seats for continued
> >occupancy for adults.. so it is a gt and not a production car...So
> >production rules have nothing to do with it..
> >Dave