Since I understand the killer rain you got in So. Utah is headed their way
they may need that pusher to set the flooded course. Then the N. C. cops,
hearing the term, will be looking for pushers and will search every enclosed
trailer coming from Alabama for contraband. They'll confiscate cigarettes
without the proper tax stamps and appropriate the Diet Coke to go with their
grits, Krispy Kreme's and collard greens. Tonya will have to come up with a
way to subdue Keith and it may take some extreme measures like letting him
drive to calm him enough. We should go and watch sometime. Organize a trip
and take tips from Jon Amo on how travel cheap. We could pick up a caravan
of list-posters as we went and really show the Maxton Folks we're behind
on 10/27/04 11:16 AM, Glen Barrett at wrote:
> Word is out that the North Carolina Highway patrol and the local hanging judge
> is looking for the famous Bar-B-Q bandits. They are searching all out of
> state vehicles with fake rock sniffing dogs and are armed with the latest swat
> team gizmos to suppress any and all invasions on the local food establishment
> known to harbor such wirdos that drag the strange vehicles to Maxton to
> partake in accelaration runs down the crooked mile. The local sherrif stated
> noon of the strange vehicles would win in a wiskey run like the good ole boys
> of the past were the champions. Wonder if the propster knows this, perhaps a
> invite from the fake rock maker would get him to bring this baloney slicer to
> the dirt roads of the Carolinas for the challange from the Key Stone Cops of
> Maxton.
> Joe Timney could time them and John Becket could modify it to rear steer for
> more of a challange to Frankie the poopster pilot. How about a hair and hound
> with a Busa from the Guthrie stables.
> Tom Shannon from Utah will judge the event from the 2 mile patrol hidden
> somewhere near a black bear path to it's winter den. This being said it should
> liven up your meet and draw even more spectators. It betting allowed in NC?
> Hell, maybe Dave D. could open up a new tune up division for VW powered
> pushers with one of his tuneups.
> In reality everyone have a fast,safe and super season closeing meet. Wish I
> could be here to see the event and bug Keith.
> Glen