It looks like the LM-1 is pretty close to $500 if you want to get RPM. It
will use the existing O2 bung on a catalytic system. However, if you want
to sniff a non-cat system you will have to weld in a bung on one side or buy
the venture exhaust clamp to attach at the end of the exhaust pipe. Even
though the LM-1 comes with a 10ft cable you might have to buy the 18ft
extension cable if you attach the sensor at the rear of the car. If you
need to add those extras you are now pushing $600. Indicated costs are all
before Dave's LSR DISCOUNT :-)
$349 LM-1 basic unit with software
$99 input expander for RPM
$20 Inductive pick-up for RPM converter
$8 Additional stainless bung for O2 sensor
$ ? Shipping and handling
For non-cat systems:
$49 Extension cable connects to
$75 Exhaust clamp for O2 sensor (non-cat systems)
So being ignorant of the current state-of-the-art in data acquisition
systems, is the LM-1 the way to go for a beginning system? You can't add
EGT and the sample rate is 83 milli seconds. It seems enough for me as a
beginner but should I consider others if some day I will add EGTs and a few
more sensors. Or are EGTs even needed since the Lambda sensor may be
superior? -Elon