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Subject: aerodynamics
From: Scott Cowle <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2004 09:57:07 -0400
  First, I want to thankl the ECTA for putting my car in their picture post.
But As I waslooking at the cars there I noticed two important things, 1) My
car looks way too ugly -mostly I think because of the butchered hood I
use-so I want to fix this, And 2) On cars like K.T.'s Camaro and other cars
some have a COWL induction hood setup where the end of the cowl is very
close to the windsheild, others have it farther away. What are the benefits
of both? I have to have some kind of scoop or raised area on the hood to
clear the carb , so a COWL style seems the most logical, but what is the
most aerodynamic and engine efficient( ie., feeding the engine air) to do it?

                                                         Scott( the real)- COWLE

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