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non lsr: mountaineering boots

Subject: non lsr: mountaineering boots
From: john robinson <>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2004 10:47:38 -0500
Howdy, I am again going to be in the Antarctic this next fall, and am 
looking for a recommendation for mountaineering boots that will allow me to 
use crampons and be warm. I have been researching websites for the double 
boots, such as Montrail 9000 ($500) and am more concerned that the 
salesmanship of the companies are only telling me that their boots are 
best!! then that the boots will keep your feet warm. anybody out here got a 
mountaineering friend who can offer advice? thanks

           John Robinson, Mechanician
   Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
                 1513 University Ave.
                  Madison, Wi. 53706
            Current World Land Speed Record Holder
                  Bonneville Salt Flats
           H/GCC 92 1980 Dodge Colt
                  144.396 MPH set 2000
       MPS-PG 441 c.c. 1967 BSA Victor Motorcycle
                     95.193 MPH set 2001
                 Antarctic Ice Driller Oct02-Jan03

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