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Re: What's up with the April showers?

To: "Keith Turk" <>
Subject: Re: What's up with the April showers?
From: Jon Wennerberg <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 12:35:23 -0500
On Saturday, March 6, 2004, at 08:01 AM, Keith Turk wrote:
> Okay I'll admit I'm bored... what are you folks up to?

Well, the bodywork came back from the fiberglass shop Thursday, all the 
nicks and scratches fixed up, and now it's gone off to the air brush 
folks so they can paint away for three weeks.

And the new front and rear stands for the bike showed up with the FedEx 
guy the other day, so I've lost yet another excuse ("...the bike is too 
wobbly on the stand...") to keep me from doing any work.  We're showing 
my bike at a local boat/sport/RV show in three weeks - so the locals 
can see a land speed vehicle in person -- most of 'em have never heard 
of this affliction we call LSR.  I've spent lots of hours in the past 
week putting together a slide show/PowerPoint presentation so the 
tourists can see the spectacle of Maxton and Bonneville and El Mirage.

Keith is even in some of the photos (well, at least one of 'em).  And 
Glen isn't!

                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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