its probably enough for her to just see you see the race car naked
but what the hell, can we see Tanya see the race car naked?
todd wrote:
>Hard to pull away from real work when you have your race vehicle in the same
>place you make a living(that's why my project has been in the works so long).
>Starting on my wiring today.. also finished up my 2 peice front fender and
>got over to the painter(he usually only takes a couple months when he knows
>it's for me - lol).
>Seen a neat thing on tv the other night. The fastest bird in the world, the
>Peregrine Falcon(or Hayabusa in japanese) has been clocked at a true 200mph,
>it is also one mean killing machine and attacks its prey at the fastest speed
>it can obtain before hand. Neat thing is how one specific man is using one
>and very wanted around the country. He and his Falcon are hired to go around
>and clear the air space around airports of other flocks. Just thought it was
>a cool tidbit to share(don't let the busa riders that don't already know hear
>too much about this, they're cocky enough as it is ya know?).
>By the way Keith, does your race car look different to Tanya when she's
>>When Pork Pie starts doing tests just to see if we are alive...
>>I guess we oughta try to be more entertaining...
>>What's up in your world? Come on...y'all ain't sitting there likes
>>bumps on a log are you? ( Okay Glen... you can be a bump if you
>>like )
>>I'm getting ready to go down to the shop and show off my work to
>>Tonya since she's been gone... she's not seen the race car naked
>>yet... Just for her innocent eye's I covered up the more risk'e
>>area's.... ya know the Hole in the hood where the engine goes... and
>>so on... you get the picture...
>>Okay what are you folks doing? anything even vaguely like racing stuff?