"did ya get the "fairly fast on a sunny day" pat on
the back for that outing from Dave D, or are you still
hoping for that honor."
Yes, I did! But the look on Dave's face suggested we
try a little harder next outing.
"yes Aero is 8 yo. 9 this coming year, 69lber, life>
is good."
Ain't it so. Good luck to him this season.
"by the way, I purchased the sunnen brushes, my bores>
never looked so good after Bonn., THANKS for your
sharing of info."
De nada, mi amigo. Anything to help.
John Goodman
--- Joe Amo <jkamo@rap.midco.net> wrote:
> I was there, every year since 91
> ya done good
> did ya get the "fairly fast on a sunny day" pat on
> the back
> for that outing from Dave D, or are you still hoping
> for that honor
> yes Aero is 8 yo. 9 this coming year, 69lber, life
> is good
> by the way, I purchased the sunnen brushes, my bores
> never looked
> so good after Bonn., THANKS for your sharing of
> info
> Joe :)
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