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Re: Stopping

To: "Higginbotham Land Speed Racing" <>,
Subject: Re: Stopping
From: "Glen Barrett" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 09:18:48 -0800
It's not a lot of fun to pull vehicles out of the mud, It took several hours
into the night to get the Burkland car free.
Tow line size and attachment hardware are critical as is the wear and tear
on pilot chutes. We pick up a lot each year that come off the cars.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Higginbotham Land Speed Racing" <>
To: "Bryan Savage" <>; "List Land Speed"
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 7:09 AM
Subject: Stopping

> Bryan,
> It's my turn to agree 100%. (-:(-: If a racer does all the things you
> recommend, the likelyhood of trouble on the other end of the track during
> shutdown will be minimized for sure. If he/she doesn't.....well.....I have
> been off the end of a drag strip a couple of times and upsidedown is no
> fun. Sort of like "I learned about chutes from that" and somebody else
> learned about brakes!
> Good report. Thanks and Happy Holidays.
> Skip

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