..... ... "seeing "Frontrunner" on the sidewall means nothing. "
When I was checking tires at Bonneville, I specifically asked the owners of
three racers if the tires were drag race Frontrunners, or special LSR
Frontrunners. The answer was that they were plain drag race Frontrunners, and
that those tires were plenty good for the speeds I was contemplating (200mph -
220mph). As I said, one of those drivers earned his red hat on those tires
later that day. One of those drivers (a well known and respected name at the
salt) said that he had made many runs in the 280s with drag race FrontRunners
and believed that they were fine tires.
Have there been any "unfortunate" situations occurring at Bonneville with the
drag race FrontRunners?
Last Time on this subject - - I promise.
Dick J in East Texas
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