FYI boys and girls . . .
2003 World Finals Case Study: BWS streamliner, 1998 SCTA Points Champion,
was encouraged by tech inspectors to plug up tiny gaps left by various lines
that flowed through the firewall bulkhead. The boys were reluctant to do so
as they considered this low priority, the chance of fire remote and figured
the halon would take care of everything.
Nevertheless, they compiled. About 6 runs later that pesky motor backfired
and a fire ensued at top speed. The fire suppression system worked like a
charm but they were amazed at how completely the wires were burned -- right
up to the firewall plugs.
They figured the fire and velocity would have pushed the flames throught he
gaps creating a variety of mini blow torches. They have great affection for
the orange hatted man who made the extra work for them. The wife? She loves
the inspector to pieces.
Speedy Regards,
"LandSpeed" Louise Ann Noeth
LandSpeed Productions
"Telling stories with words and pictures"