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Re: aero

Subject: Re: aero
From: "gary baker" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 17:31:33 +1000
I'm thinking of the P-51 radiator that
>made thrust from the added heat from the radiator and the shape of the 
>ducting. this might be of some use to me with an aircooled bike.....

hi John
the P-51  radiator / duct  was an experiment conducted during the 2nd ww by 
a scientist called Merideth  and the effect is called funnilly  enough the 
merideth effect   BUT unfortunatly it really has no effect untill the speeds 
approach and exceed 350 mph where it actually started to produce enough 
thrust to start to counter the drag of the radiator exposed to the air 
unfortunatly this effect was not investigated any further and with the 
advent of turbine & jets it has all but been forgotten  John I think that it 
merrits further investigation especially with streamliners , I started to 
research but there is very little data on this approach ' only a war time 
document by merrideth which I have downloaded and need to read through again
anyone else know more about it ?

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