Someone please back me up on this in case I have it wrong.
I believe that I learned (from this list) that not 'all' the existing
records are listed in the rule book. An email to Dan may be in order.
[] He can confirm that a specific Frame/Engine/
Fuel/etc. class is indeed 'open', or if there is an unpublished (as far
as the rulebook goes) established record. This applies to Bonneville.
Also - any new record set in an open class of over 200MPH does not
automatically qualify for the 200MPH Club. The 200MPH club has
minimums that need to be exceeded.
El Mirage, I understand, has minimums for all classes. (Is this
correct?) They don't publish all the 'open minimums' in the rule book.
Keith. What about Maxton? (And, can you explain the /2 /4 stuff
after the class - is it 2-stroke and 4 stroke, or 2 cyl and 4 cyl?)
Jim W.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Dincau
Subject: Re: Missing Records
Check the rule book (you do have one) for allowable engine classes in a
particular vehicle class. Allowed classes not listing a record are open.
Jim in Palmdale
> There are various places in the rule book where records (or minimums) do
> not exist for a certain engine size. This usually occurs at the lower
> designations like F, G, H, I etc. Is this because the engine size is not
> allowed or because no one has ever entered an engine size in that
> class? -Elon