I ran a simulation that the numbers came out for Turk's D/MS would run 251
terminal with a 4000 ft DA.. It went 249 with a 5500.. so go figure. Both G/GL
G/FL were as close.. The H/GL was off by 10 mph too low as it had the wrong
non-specifed gear in.. So if your engineering is off by that much maybe the
'slide rule' is broken.. As an engineer do you have a 25% difference in calcs to
reality. If so it is garbage in and garbage out again..
DrMayf wrote:
> Well, actually it is not the way to define a problem. A deviation from
> expected performance may or may not be a problem. If you designed a car to
> reach 200 mph and it exceeded your requirements by 50 mph would that be a
> problem? Would be according to the definition I just read.