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Re: Suspension/Driving...

Subject: Re: Suspension/Driving...
From: "Keith Turk" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 16:07:51 -0500
Let me preface this with the fact that Tom Bryant has more time at the
starter button of a Bville car then I have racing in total....( to include
my trips to and from )

That having been said I've found there is very little steering actually
required of a well set up race's much more of a point and shoot
sorta deal.... the only thing you might have to do now and again is corral
it back towards where it is you want to be..... sometimes when you look in
the car you have a tendency to drift... but you never correct with a Turn of
the steering wheel.... but a Thought of meandering back towards the

It's my opinion that this doesn't constitute road racing or drag's simply different... I'm sure we have far greater concerns
associated with caster.... spring rates.... shock dampening... and
aerodynamic loading of the car....

I'd like to hear other peoples idea's on what a well set up race car Should

I know that sounds stupid but it's not really.... it's the first step in
problem solving... defining the problem.... ( if you can't define one there
isn't one )


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