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RE: non lsr - war

Subject: RE: non lsr - war
From: "Jim Belford" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:32:49 -0700

A couple quotes from some of the UKs finest concerning the Tornado 

According to a British military spokesman:

"Something probably went wrong in some way, but we're in an incredibly busy 
environment ... with every pilot focused on what they're doing," spokesman 
Captain Jon Fynes said.

"People have to react in a hostile environment; mistakes can happen," he 

In a broadcast on the British Forces Broadcasting Service, British Prime 
Minister Tony Blair said the accidents were the "bitter fruit of a necessary 

It sounds like your interpretation of your country's views are as flawed as 
your facts about desert storm. Iraq did not invade Saudi they invaded 

Someday you will be thankful for the brave american and british heroes who 
lost their lives fighting together to defeat a madman and protect your 
whinning hide.

God Bless the USA!


----Original Message Follows----
From: "john" <>
Reply-To: "john" <>
Subject: RE: non lsr - war
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 02:04:00 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Hello to you all,
I listen to you all and the finger pointing you do so maybe you would like
to hear the European views.I am from the UK and the feeling here is
beginning to be very anti-American especially as your troops shot down a
Royal air force plane its enough that the enemy are shooting at you without
having to watch your back as your friends are killing you, families here in
the UK have lost servicemen in every conflict there has been involving the
USA it is seen as being killed by gun ho Americans.
With regards to Europe most of the European union offices were discovered
bugged and press releases show the American plan as one of occupying Iraq
for a considerable time why because of oil the USA needs more oil and Iraq
has the biggest oil field in the world.This war started with desert storm
and when Saudi was thought to be invaded by Iraq threatening the US oil
By the way these are not my views just reporting it as it is seen here.


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