Go by the SCTA rule book for the installation on the liner. Make sure they
are SCTA approved (SFI) etc. Save yourself
a lot of work or rework on the salt.Make sure you fit everything with the
fire suit on.
----- Original Message -----
From: "tom sarda" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: belts and stuff
> Hey List,
> I have recently installed Williams seat belt five
> point harness in the Craftsman trucks we race and
> NASCAR said be sure we install them as the
> manufacturer specifies. That is the lap belt is to be
> across the lap and straight down not at a 45 degree
> angle to the lap like we normally install the Simpson
> or Howe belts. If I use these belts in the 'liner,
> Williams, that is, do I install them like the SCTA
> rule book says or like the manufacturer says. The
> Williams belts are a bit less expensive. I'm curious.
> I will be putting the front end suspension on the
> liner very soon. It's a Mustang two design. Should I
> use the cast spindles or should I look for steel ones?
> Appreciate your opinions.
> Leaving for Darlington tomorrow then turn around in a
> week and head for Mesa Marin in Bakersfield. Busy time
> right now. Look for me on catch can on 66 truck or 57
> truck or next week on 66 or 77 trucks. We run several
> and don't know for sure which week what truck we will
> run. Crew chiefs. Sheeesh! can't live with them, can't
> live with them.
> Later.
> Tom
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