Thanks Russ, exactly. I agree there is some scientific
value to some of these ideas before they make it thru
the traps... it's just hard for me to see what that
value is until(like you say) it's turned into a time
Todd Dross
--- Russel Mack <> wrote:
> Todd:
> very much in the hot-rod spirit, just like Jack and
> Howard.
> And these expediencies are not NON-scientific.
> Obviously, they could be
> MORE scientific-- but the point is, they have enough
> science and engineering
> in them (even if it comes from instinct and
> experience, rather than books)
> to serve the purpose.
> When somebody else has a better timeslip, THEN maybe
> you need to consider
> advancing your science.
> Long live hot-rodding; the ones with the fastest
> timeslips have proof that
> they know what they are doing!
> Everything else is just talk.
> Russ, #1226B
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