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RE: Ancient History (non-LSR)

To: "'Doug Odom'" <>, "Albaugh, Neil"
Subject: RE: Ancient History (non-LSR)
From: "Clay, Dale" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 15:06:23 -0700
Wow, Doug.  The entire Pacific war in prison camp?  If he's like most (my
dad too, USAAC, POW in Romania) he didn't talk about it too much, if so too
bad ... over the last couple of years I've finally gotten him to open up a
bit about his war experiences and it's been priceless.

The lightening story had me laughing out loud.


                Subject:        Re: Ancient History (non-LSR)

                    Neil, I was born 4-12-41 so don't remember much. I was
outside playing when
                I was 3 or 4 and heard thunder for the first time. Man I ran
for the house as
                fast as I could yelling " the japs are coming, the japs are
coming". My mother
                never did stop teasing me about that.
                    Had an Uncle that was on Wake island at the start of the
war. Spent the
                entire war in a Japanese prison camp. I remember going down
to the dock with my
                mom and aunt when the hospital ship came in. My aunt saw him
and went right up
                and over the chain link fence and ran to him. A shore patrol
tried to stop her
                and she floored him. I thought it was great.    Doug Odom in
big ditch


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