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quiet -- not

To: <>
Subject: quiet -- not
From: "Allen Young" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 10:44:29 -0800

First,  I want to wish all of you the best during this holiday and hope you
are looking forward to the new year as much as I am.

Second,  so that it won't get too quiet around here, there's a topic I've been
wanting to bounce off the group for a while:  a magazine  devoted to Land
speed racing.  I know, I know, there are some definate con's to this proposal:
1) we have the Bonnevile Racing News which I greatly enjoy and wouldn't want
to see go away.  I don't think it would.  2) there is not enough of us to
support a high quality magazine.  I think we'd be surprised on this one.  3)
the sport would grow too large, or grow faster that we would want (what ever
that means) by spreading the word about LSR.  I'm not sure this is a bad thing
or that it would really happen to the extent that would be detremental to the
sport.  We need sustained growth for the obvious reasons.  4)  who would step
up and attempt to do a magazine such as this?  David Freiburger quickly comes
to mind.  I'm sure there are others are out there that could do it.  Maybe a
start could be a regular "department" in Hot Rod devoted to LSR such as they
have now for certain topics. The economic realities of starting a new magazine
may not make this feasable, but,  when I see a slick high quality magazine
devoted to a car like the Miata land on my newsstand,  I wonder -- why not

On the pro side, wouldn't it be great to see this sport in full color (like
Louise's wonderful book, or the great article of Jack Costella in The Rodder's
Journal, or the articles that David is including in Hot Rod) on a periodic
basis?  I know as a beginner at this, I would love to see technical articles
and photos on just how some of these cars are put together and just good
information on the sport, the rules, the people, the history, etc.  And, I
assume that LSR means not just Bonneville, but the lakes, Maxton, Australia,
or anywhere else on the globe where this kind of racing is held.  Even if it
were only a quarterly or an annual like Hop Up, I think it would be well
received and important to the health of the sport.  And like the archiving of
the list, this would be a way of preserving the history and all the other
aspects of the sport for generations to learn from and enjoy.  Louise's book
went a long way toward preserving this history through excellent writing and
wonderful photographs.   Doc's and Wendy's Racing News is another way to do
this, and as important as it is, I worry  about how well it will stand up
(paper wise) to father time like like a high quality (paper wise) magazine

If this has already been kicked around in the past,  forgive me and just hit
the delete key.  Otherwise, any thoughts?

Allen in rainy Oroville re-reading Louise's book.

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