This is somewhat off-topic but occurs during Speed Week:
I see that the annual Perseids meteor shower will peak during Speed Week.
This might be something to look for late at night and early in the morning
hours before dawn while on or off the salt.
The Perseids regularly produce 50 meteors per hour -- more than 1 per
minute -- under dark skies.
The best times to watch will be the overnight hours on Aug. 11/12 and Aug.
12/13, astronomers say.
"Those who have dry transparent air may be able to see up to 50 Perseids an
hour," during the peak, said Robert Lunsford of the American Meteor Society.
Hazy humid conditions would reduce that count.
A dozen or more per hour could also be visible a night or two before the
peak, and then a night or two after. The shower continues through about Aug.
22, by which time it will have wound back down to just 1 to 2 meteors per
Hope this is interesting and not considered a nuisance topic.
Jeff Pope
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