And the answer is: any brand but Stromberg!
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Dahlgren <>
To: Marge and/or Dave Thomssen <>
Cc: Land-speed Racers <>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 5:20 AM
Subject: Re: Hilborn v. carbs
And the brand carb that will make air density changes is?
Dave Dahlgren
Marge and/or Dave Thomssen wrote:
> Bill
> I think the major difference between a Hilborn and a carb is the modern
> (not a 97) automatically adjusts for changes in air density (within
> and the Hilborn relies on you to change the pill. If you get the pill
> wrong, the carb out-powers the Hilborn. EFI is one step better, it
> automatically adjusts everything. CFM aside, Hilborn trumps carb and EFI
> trumps Hilborn just because of the fineness of the spray(liquid fuel does
> not burn, only vapor). Having done it, I have to say that tuning an engine
> equipped with 97's was the biggest challenge, but I like my Holly 750.
> Dave the hayseed
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