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Re: Old Hot Rod Magazine

Subject: Re: Old Hot Rod Magazine
From: "Doug Anderson" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:49:47 -0000
I'll do it for ya too if I got it. I'll have'ta look.   but it sound to me 
that what you really need'ta do is find a copy of that exact mag for yerself 
-for posterity Dick.

I'm "still looking" (casually) for the first R&C I can remember having; it 
was I think about a June or July 1958 issue that I bought whilst me and my 
family were "at camp" up in the Adirondacks that summer....

theres just somthing about reminiscing like that, that warms one's heart 
doe'snt it ?   :) :)  :) :)   (insert 4 smiles here )

YeR pAl, dA dOuG DoWn sOuTh  -NuYawK tHeT iS....


From: Dick J <>

Would someone be willing to make a copy of that
article and send it to me.  That
issue was one of the first I ever bought, having
only read small maagazines  up until then because
they could hide in my
Algebra book. That article was what absolutely
and totally infected me with salt fever.  I have
had the affliction ever since.  I managed to talk
my dad into buying a Chrysler 300C and got to
make a pass on the sand at Daytona, before I even
had a driver's license, back when they used to
let you pull your hubcaps and get a time slip for
$5.  For the past fifty years or so (ever since
that issue) I've dreamed of driving at
Bonneville, and with the Lord's blessing, I will
finally realize that dream in September.  I'll be
more than glad to cover the cost of copy and

Dick J


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