More comments on this, please. Do I want to do
this, and why, and for what?
Buzz box?
I have gas (welder that is) and a buzz box. I
thought I was in high cotton with those. What
do I need Tig for and what do I need Mig for?
What about this this torch and tank that Larry
talks about? Does that make my buzz box more
Dick J
--- wrote:
> Some people don't relies is you don't need a
> big fancy welding machine to tig
> weld on carbon and stainless steel. If you have
> a DC welder all you need is a
> tig torch, a flow meter and a bottle of argon
> for shielding gas. Hook up the
> tig torch to the negative side and ground with
> positive ( this is straight
> polarity) and your ready to go. A 150amp air
> cooled torch is all you need to
> weld carbon and stainless, most of the time 75
> to 100amps will cover anything
> in the shop. Now if you are going to weld
> aluminum that is another story. As
> for gas welding, my dad who would be 95 if he
> was still alive could weld
> anything you set in front of him 1/16 to 1 inch
> thick most people can weld
> sheet metal together and think they are gas
> welders. Set some heavy plate and
> watch them, this separates the men from the
> boys. He learned welding in the
> oil fields in Oklahoma and went on as a pipe
> welder on construction. Just
> about every thing was gas welded back them as
> electric welding was just
> coming in 75 years ago. I can call myself a
> welder but not much good on gas.
> I still have his torch set which is at least 65
> years old. Larry Mac
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Dick J *
* (In East Texas) *
* # 729 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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