heinlein is one of my favorite autors why didn't I quote
that...Good stuff!
Now if we could only get the rest to 'Grok'....
Dave Dahlgren
FastmetalBDF@aol.com wrote:
> List : I read this quotation recently, and it seemed it could apply in
> our
> discussions where there are differing points of view on a given subject
> ......
> The hardest part about gaining any new idea is sweeping out
> the false idea occupying that niche. As long as that niche is occupied,
> evidence and proof and logical demonstrstion get nowhere. But once
> the niche is emptied of the wrong idea that has been filling it - once
> you can honestly say, " I don' t know, " then it becomes possible
> to get at the truth .
> --- Robert A. Heinlein
> bdf