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Re: Tars,aeroplane, part 2

To: "Glen Barrett" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Tars,aeroplane, part 2
From: "The Backus's" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 16:30:34 -0500
Wouldn't the obvious be to contact the tire manufacturer and or someone at a
local airport that works with these tires?  I can't believe that they
wouldn't know how to mount these correctly.
John the ex-cop ("Warning! You want a warning? Okay, I'm warning you not to
do that again or I'll give you another ticket.") Backus

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glen Barrett" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Tars,aeroplane, part 2

> You need to get ahold of Carl Heap in Oregon. He runs the Phoenix Diesel
truck at
> Bonneville and uses aircraft tires on both ends of the big truck. Carl's 4
X 4 I
> beleave is in the Medford ares and he would be glad to assist you.
> Glen
> wrote:
> > Got a lot of info on my original question re; proper air pressure for my
> > recently acquired Goodyear aircraft-to-be-used as- LSR tires,thank you
> > everybody.Now i find that the previous owners put a sealant in the
> > tire/wheel,apparently to stop air leakage which A.doesn't work,they leak
> > stud holes ,wheel center,screw holes,etc and B.clogs up the air valve.
Due to
> > the rigidity (14 plys) the wheels are alum alloy 2-piece rims that are
put on
> > the tire as opposed to getting the bead over the rim. My  question is
how do
> > i assemble these beasts? Is there a  miracle sealant that does work?
> > Any constructive suggestions? Halp!
> >                         Bob Wanner ,awaiting divine intervention in my
> > near-hillaryious  New Yuk  garage

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