Jeepers....the way things have been going, I'M afraid that they'll actually
be able to do just that, and actually make it thru Texas (or ANYWHERE ELSE)
and get away with it.....!
-Dirty Doug
(ok Keith, I know I know....-nuff said. But I did hit "the right button
the first time inna voting booth...... )
Subject: A New Survivor Contest (Funny if you think about it)
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 02:53:46 EST
I received this today as publicity for a new Survivor game, this is a copy
the notice.
<<There is scheduled to be a new version of "Survivor" coming in the near
future. This time it is a road race through Texas.
Each contestant is given a pastel colored Volvo that he must drive along a
meandering route through Texas' back roads. All of the cars
have a bumper sticker that reads, "I'm a Homosexual Democrat from Washington
D.C. and I'm here to take your guns!"
The winner (if there is one) is the first one to make it out of Texas