I was wondering about that as I was driving back from World of Speed. It
probably would have stopped him ... I'm not sure how much damage it would
have done to the car. The catch net is sitting on the top shelf in our
storage container, all rolled up and ready to go. If we go to two way runs
it should be out there as an option. The year we used it I was concerned
about what would happen to sheet metal/fiberglass if a car actually hit it
at really high speed. The only one that should have used it and didn't was
the BMW 'liner that ended up in the water pond at the hole in the dike ...
he was so nervous I don't think he even considered it as an option. I'm
afraid it would have been a scary situation with Burkland if he had hit it
at the end of seven miles traveling as fast as he was at that distance.
It's going to foul the tires and wheels if it gets low enough on the vehicle
and at that speed it would have probably worked down that far before the
total stop. Rick Vesco had confidence in it though and he knows what he is
doing ... I just watch and hold my breath.