Interiors and production type of equipment in "Production" class is an
interesting topic. I think we need to consider not only the letter of the
law, but the spirit. While I have always been an advocate of Interperative
reading of the rule book, the intent of production classes is to represent
what is driven down the street and I think little interpertation should be
allowed. Headliners should be in place, Door panels, are easier left
alone, than replace with alum. (except in your case Dick). Actually working
windows are a blessing. I even left the power windows in the car. How many
vehicles surprise everyone on the line by closing the window electrically
and then go out and run really fast like a real "race car". I just love
doing that. Besides, on the turn out, I can lower the windows and cool off
much more quickly. Several years ago I petitioned the rules committe for
making "working" production equipment part of the requirements. I really
think the cars should be closer to stock, and my car proves it can be done.
Consider also, that "production" is a mind set, or a state of thinking that
if you went to all the bother of leaving the stock stuff in, you can't
possibly be cheating, elsewhere, could you(???) I don't mean that you would
Dick. Just making a point. In most cases it is achedemic because the SCTA
scrutineers have been there/done that, and little gets past. (ask and I'll
tell my story)
I believe the approach should be leave as much there as you can. Remove the
seats, use some of that realestate for your ballast, and keep it tidy.
There was one year, before I started using a secondary ice water charge air
cooler, that a second "racing seat" occupied the psgr space. Mind set, not
just for inspectors, but anyone that looks at your car. When everything is
there, its wow, thats a real stock looking car that just went 200 MPH.
In the overall scheme of things it makes little difference, but I like
messing with peoples minds with subtlety.
Relative to fire hazard and toxicity, thats why we have fresh air vents and
why I use a fresh air helmet and 30 pounds of halon.
Even running Altered class, I have left the interior parts alone and will
continue to do so.
Rick Byrnes
We have enough youth...........How about a fountain of smart
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dick J" <>
> headliners or carpeting - - or dash padding. Not
> having had a chance to look inside any of those
> cars, I don't really know what's allowed and what
> isn't. Are the aluminum door panels acceptable in
> production coupe/sedan too? What about the
> headliner? I'd hate to pull out my new headliner
> to finish upgrading my cage and then find out I
> need it to be class legal.