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To: "Keith Turk" <>, "Glen Barrett" <>,
Subject: Re: GAS UP
From: "rbeefmst" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 00:07:27 -0000
WOS Bonneville adventure

We arrived at Bonneville Sunday around 4:00 PM. Went out and helped set up
the course for a couple of hours, then went to the motel.

 Went back out Monday and worked the course all day. Back to the motel..

 Tuesday morning back on the salt and was glad to see my friend Kvoch
Butters from Idaho (#1 pit crew) had showed up and was ready to go to work.
We went to work on the studebaker getting it ready to tech. Got through tech
around noon with no problems. Went to work on USFRA generators 6 each that
had not been started for 2 years because of last year's rain out. Took Les &
I the rest of the day to get the generators working.

 Wednesday a.m. got in line to make 1st run on an open EBGCC. Made a tune up
run threw the 2 � mile. Went back to pits where I discovered that my new
used laptop would not communicate with my on board engine monitoring
computer. Also on the tune up run my exhaust gas ratio meter was only
working intermittently, had a Enderle fuel pump rebuilt just before I left
and it came back with a higher flow rate so I lost the base line that I had
established at Muroc. It was obvious from our tune up run that we were too
rich. We spent the rest of Wednesday and all day Thursday making tune up
runs on the short course leaning the fuel mixture a little at a time.
Thursday evening we decided that Friday morning we would make the qualifying
run for the record as we were running out of time.

 Friday morning we ran a full course qualifying run at 182 mph. Still too
rich but went to impound. Got the car ready for a return run to include
leaning out a couple more notches. Made a full course return run at 194 mph
(188 two way average record). Still a little too rich but was starting to
come in. Went back to impound area and had the engine sealed, leaned out the
fuel a little more. Went back to the starting line Friday PM with the plan
to run one run Friday PM and one run Saturday morning to try to break the
188 record but the wind came up Friday PM and they shut down the course.

 Saturday morning we awoke to discover it had rained some overnight and that
the course had deteriorated some so we decided to tear down the engine for
measurement instead and go ahead and take the 188 record. Perhaps we will be
back again next year to bump the record up as I feel the engine has more
horsepower available.

A special thanks to my wife and Kvoch Butters without whose help I never
could had had this successful adventure.

Bob Ragsdale


----- Original Message -----
From: Keith Turk <>
To: Glen Barrett <>; Dan Warner
Cc: Wester S Potter <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: GAS UP

> Stop Thief.... Wait a Dag gum Minute here.... are you telling me a Single
> 27" TV would be Get me a RED HAT?
> Geez Glen your a Cheap Date..... Do I even have to make a Pass?  I mean
> I do this from my Rental car?or do I have to registar and everything?
> Keith ( NEVERMIND.... Just gots to be Easier )
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glen Barrett" <>
> To: "Dan Warner" <>
> Cc: "Wester S Potter" <>; <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 5:49 PM
> Subject: Re: GAS UP
> > Sure glad the timer doesn't get accused of taking bribes, everyone one
> would  go
> > fast if that was the case. Just kidding, glad you won it Dan.
> >
> > Dan Warner wrote:
> >
> > > Depends on warrenty.
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: Wester S Potter <>
> > > To: DOUG ODOM <>; Dan Warner
> > > Cc: <>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 9:25 AM
> > > Subject: Re: GAS UP
> > >
> > > > Dan,
> > > > I've heard of bribes to get things passed by tech inspectors but
> you
> > > > think that a TV that size is just a little obvious?  (Will that
> the
> > > > whole Gold Coast Club?)
> > > > Wes
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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