Okay Larry you Buy it?.... Sounds Perfect... NO YARD MAINTENENCE? Big enough
Shed to Build a SHOP out of..... Life is GOOD and the Sunbeam would be in
----- Original Message -----
From: <DrMayf@aol.com>
To: <webmaster@landracing.com>
Cc: <landspeedracer@email.msn.com>; <ARDUNDOUG@aol.com>;
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: Ford C-4 Tranny Gear Deliberations
> Well, thanks! I would like nothing more than have my car on the salt or
> mile. Unfortunately, it is still an 'bama. But I did see my perfect
> today while looking at houses with the realtor. 40 x 50 three rool up
> center one being big enuf to get a motor home into. And the house also had
> regular garage, an pool an built in BBQ and outdoo eating area. ANd
> absolutely no landscaping. Looked like the moon.
> ciao
> mayf