Gee Bev, I didnt think I would be catching anything from you, how will I ever
explain this to my wife? Thanks for the updates. Joe :)
Beverly Stanley wrote:
> My good friend Louise pointed out the other day that I was sending her
> virus's - eek!
> I had wondered what in the world was wrong with my computer! It started, of
> course, about a year ago when I had disabled my Viruscan while I waited on
> Microsoft to fix the problems with Windows 98 - got the fix but forgot to
> turn the Viruscan back on! So I got infected with a nasty little bug that
> came around for a second time - called happy99 (also called SKA or W32) -
> took three days of begging because I couldn't get up on the internet
> anymore and my modem had stopped working - but McAfee finally gave in and
> told me the steps to take to get the bugs inactivated long enough for me to
> get up on the McAfee web site and download the upgrades - so the point of
> this ramble is....
> I have undoubtedly been sending those nasty little bugs out for weeks to
> everyone on the land-speed e-mail list - so please everybody - be sure to
> run a system check asap to make sure it didn't sneak into your system!
> I also got started posting Muroc stuff on the site yesterday -
> let me work on it some more today - but take a look tonight and let me know
> what you think!
> --- Beverly Stanley