Well Brad and I just got home from the Meet.... once again it was Great....
ECTA just knows how to have a Good time...and make everyone feel welcome.
Interesting little Pass on the ole junkyard motor.... 185.185 mph.... but It
was coasting so to speak.... I had my foot out of the throttle and the
Nitrous off. I had held it up to 190 for a bit but the Motor was out of RPM
again at the 3/4 mile Marker.... EGT's were a bit high and it was a Tick
lean.... on the bottle... didn't want to Pressure it this close to Muroc.
Our problem is that the Chassis Dyno can't run past 200mph and we had got
off it so late Thrusday night that we didn't have time to swap in the 2.75
gear set.... our thoughts going up there was to make this first pass on the
2.86 gear and then swap to the 2.75..... Welllllll what we learned was that
the Nitrous helps the motor make great Power... but it really likes a tick
less RPM then the Gas.... and the Car could really have used a bit more
timing and a bit more Fuel.....
Then we came down to the Gear swap up there and we realized that we were
just marginally going to hit 195-198mph without tuning a bit.... and we
didn't want to make two more passes on the Motor.... Much to Brad's Credit
he volunteered to wait on the Two Club attemp until After Muroc.... and
honestly I appreciated his concern for preserving the combination until
then.... Thanks Brad.... ( ain't having a Racing buddy great.... specially
when they are smarter then you are....)
again... Thanks to Bill Bennett for Helping.... Keith ( oh yeah the 185 was
the fastest we had been up there.... wow )