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From: FastmetalBDF@aol.com
Full-name: FastmetalBDF
Message-ID: <46.ea0835.25c279f7@aol.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 23:49:59 EST
Subject: Re: Kids and memories
To: benettw@bellsouth.net, land-speed@autox-team.net
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Bill , It was National Auto Parts ------- now known
as N A P A .
I remember " Parts Pups " very well ! Really good jokes ......,
pinups, too .
I was draggin' then ; spent a barrel of money in the
Groton , Ct .
N A P A store ------ where my buddy, who campaigned a A A / Gas
Dragster , was the manager . Those little mags were usually on
counter ------ guys would argue over the last copy or two ! One
day a
customer told my friend he would take his business to another
branch if
he didn' t get a copy , again , with his next purchase ...........
I hadn' t thought of those little gems for many YEARS !
THANX for jogging my memory banks ..........
Bruce Ferguson