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Re: [Healeys] inner A arm bushing nuts

To: goldengt@cal.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] inner A arm bushing nuts
From: goldengt@cal.net
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 19:45:00 -0800
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I found that the nylon feature of the nut barely engages the threaded 
pin. By looking at the nylon in the nut, one can see that there is only 
a very faint impression left by a thread. When assembled, the nut is 
just flush with the end of the pin. I was taught that there should be at 
least 1 1/2 thread protrusion, so I guess I ignored my own rule in 2017.
I will try a nut with a deformed thread style locking feature plus 
Loktite. If still not satisfied, I could drill holes in the pins for 
cotter pins or drill holes in the nuts for lock wire.
Yes there is no rotation of the bushings or pins that contact the nut so 
I guess the loosening was normal vibration over 20000 miles.
Thanks to all for responding.
Ken Freese
65 BJ8

On 2024-11-23 17:09, goldengt@cal.net wrote:
> I found my inner A arm bushing lock nuts all loose today. These are
> Moss parts. Nylock nuts are not appropriate for those nuts. I should
> have used my old pins that have castellated nuts and cotter pins. I
> think if one keeps the Nylock nuts, they should be tightened at every
> lubrication interval. This is after 20000 miles.
> Ken Freese
> 65 BJ8
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