Tried that. Will try rerouting the sleeve.
I'm pretty familiar with the speedos, having a drawerful and actually
getting a couple to work halfway decent. A cracked odo or tripmeter
drive gear will give a fixed-interval bounce based on speed, and the
cable loading-up and unloading is also fairly rhythmic, but my tach just
goes crazy. It seems like the needle needs to be damped somehow.
On 11/19/2022 2:38 PM, Patrick & Caroline Quinn wrote:
> G'day
> When a mechanical tach or speedo needle bounces, it's generally due to the
> drive cable has become too flexible due to age.
> A new cable should fix it. You don't necessarily need a new outer, just the
> internal cable.
> Hoo Roo
> Patrick Quinn
> Blue Mountains, Australia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Healeys <> On Behalf Of Bob Spidell
> Sent: Sunday, 20 November 2022 8:20 AM
> To: Healeys <>
> Subject: [Healeys] Healey 100-4/6 Tach
> Specific to cars with mechanical tachometers:
> The tach on my 100 bounces around off-idle (OK at idle). Any one been able to
> cure this problem? Anything inside to damp the bounce that can be adjusted?
> I'm not interested in sending to West Valley or other repair shop (at
> least not yet).