Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Been watching this entertaining discussion from the sidelines and I'm one =
of those: "it's your car, do what you want" guys, but I have a question ab=
out the Pertronix shift. According to the directions, a change in plug wir=
es is required. From solid core copper to carbon fiber. So how can those o=
f you going back and forth from points to Pertronix doing it? Or, are you =
just sticking with the solid core wires?=C2=A0I tried going to the Pertron=
ix, but the base plate for the "ignitor" wouldn't fit where it was claimed=
, in the depression for the condensor, it fit way off not quite 180 degree=
s but close, and though I did get a backfire, I never got the car to run a=
nd gave up.I pulled the distributor, tore it apart, cleaned everything up,=
put everything back together, refit it with new points and reinstalled it=
in the car using the cell phone photos I took to get it back as close as =
possible and bam!, she fired right up! Got my timing light out, made the s=
lightest adjustment and I'm back in the game.I have since been able to buy=
another distributor from a BN1, which was a bit of a mess inside, but was=
able to tear it apart, clean it, put it back together and it now works ju=
st fine and now if I have trouble on the side of the road, I have a spare =
distributor to switch out.=C2=A0But I may go the Pertronix path in the fut=
ure, and the solid core wire question is still in my mind. As well as the =
placement of the ignitor. Or am I just using the wrong Pertronix kit? I've=
got the LU-149 kit. Thanks!Steven Kingsbury=C2=A0BN1On Aug 29, 2022, at 1=
1:28 PM, Michael Oritt <michael.oritt@gmail.com> wrote:I've had the pleasu=
re of replacing a set of contact points=C2=A0alongside the road in the dar=
k.=C2=A0 If you don't get the stack of insulating washers and parts correc=
t you are going nowhere and it's awfully easy to drop one=C2=A0of the bits=
down and under the car--with the same result.=C2=A0=C2=A0I put a Mallory =
Unilite distributor/ignition system in my Healey about twenty years ago wi=
th absolutely=C2=A0no issue other than a cracked external ballast resistor=
and about three years ago I replaced=C2=A0the module simply because I did=
not want to push my luck any further.=C2=A0 On long trips I carry a spare=
distributor with drive dog attached, allowing for quick and easy replacem=
ent=C2=A0and no need to worry about timing so long as I pay careful attent=
ion to the positions of the rotor and distributor body when switching thin=
gs=C2=A0out.On my race cars I use Pertronix modules simply because the fai=
lure mode is almost always total which makes diagnosis much easier whereas=
=C2=A0with points there is one more component=C2=A0(the condenser) plus ve=
ry often when points ignitions go bad the problem is often partial and/or =
intermittent, resulting in more time lost trying to diagnose the problem w=
ith more sessions lost due to having more possibilities to eliminate.=C2=A0=
Best--Michael OrittOn Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 8:47 PM warthodson--- via Heale=
ys <healeys@autox.team.net> wrote:Since Pertronix don't have points I gues=
s the answer is: "the car would not have been disabled due to the points f=
ailing".=C2=A0 Gary -----Original Message----- From: dwflagg--- via Heale=
ys <healeys@autox.team.net> To: ahbn6@verizon.net Cc: healeys@autox.team.n=
et Sent: Mon, Aug 29, 2022 12:00 pm Subject: Re: [Healeys] Distributor guy=
Also, years ago whilst traveling the New York State Thruway I came upon =
a disabled Austin Healey whilst driving my own to a fraternity=C2=A0brothe=
r's wedding. This was before cell phones. Disabled vehicles were at the me=
rcy of tow trucks and=C2=A0exorbitant fees. It was determined=C2=A0there w=
as no spark. With no tools but just a nail clipper with a nail file, we fi=
led the points,=C2=A0and were both on our=C2=A0way! Try=C2=A0that with a P=
ertronix unit!=C2=A0DougTo add more fuel to the fire, while driving on the=
freeway in Las Vegas years ago I had the rotor on my BN6 split in two. A =
highway patrolman stopped and repaired it with super glue and a rubber ban=
d. I limped home 15 miles =E2=80=93 put on another rotor and kept a spare =
for safety and the repaired one in the parcel shelve for memories. Try tha=
t with a Pertronix unit=C2=A0John Simswww.healey6.comMatawan, NJ=C2=A0From=
: Healeys <healeys-bounces@autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Jim RyanSent: Mond=
ay, August 29, 2022 10:12 AMTo: patrick williams <2x2doc@gmail.com>Cc: Lis=
t Healey <healeys@autox.team.net>Subject: Re: [Healeys] Distributor guy=C2=
=A0Just wondering, the debate between this unit and the original points ha=
s always been that you can replace the points in the event of a failure on=
the side of the road. How difficult is it to replace this unit in the sam=
e manner if you carried a spare, and what would the cost be for that spare=
? I'm referring to a1958 Bugeye here.=C2=A0On Mon, Aug 29, 2022, 8:21 AM p=
atrick williams <2x2doc@gmail.com> wrote:It's been close to 20 years ago, =
but Jeff rebuilt my distributor, including the vacuum advance diaphram, an=
d put in a pertronix unit.=C2=A0 I'm very happy with the results.Pat Willi=
ams1960 BT7_______________________________________________Support Team.Net=
http://www.team.net/donate.htmlSuggested annual donation=C2=A0 $12.75Arch=
ive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archive/h=
ryan.com_______________________________________________Support Team.Net ht=
tp://www.team.net/donate.htmlSuggested annual donation=C2=A0 $12.75Archive=
: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archive/heal=
ubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/warthodson@=
aol.com_______________________________________________ Support Team.Net ht=
tp://www.team.net/donate.html Suggested annual donation=C2=A0 $12.75 Arch=
ive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archive/h=
ealeys Healeys@autox.team.net http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/heal=
eys Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/mic=
hael.oritt@gmail.com _______________________________________________Suppor=
t Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.htmlSuggested annual donation $12.7=
5Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/arch=
aleysUnsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/air=
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<html><body><div><div>Been watching this entertaining discussion from the
sidelines an=
d I'm one of those: "it's your car, do what you want" guys, but I have a q=
uestion about the Pertronix shift. According to the directions, a change i=
n plug wires is required. From solid core copper to carbon fiber. So how c=
an those of you going back and forth from points to Pertronix doing it? Or=
, are you just sticking with the solid core wires? <br></div><div>I t=
ried going to the Pertronix, but the base plate for the "ignitor" wouldn't=
fit where it was claimed, in the depression for the condensor, it fit way=
off not quite 180 degrees but close, and though I did get a backfire, I n=
ever got the car to run and gave up.<br></div><div>I pulled the distributo=
r, tore it apart, cleaned everything up, put everything back together, ref=
it it with new points and reinstalled it in the car using the cell phone p=
hotos I took to get it back as close as possible and bam!, she fired right=
up! Got my timing light out, made the slightest adjustment and I'm back i=
n the game.<br></div><div>I have since been able to buy another distributo=
r from a BN1, which was a bit of a mess inside, but was able to tear it ap=
art, clean it, put it back together and it now works just fine and now if =
I have trouble on the side of the road, I have a spare distributor to swit=
ch out. <br></div><div>But I may go the Pertronix path in the future,=
and the solid core wire question is still in my mind. As well as the plac=
ement of the ignitor. Or am I just using the wrong Pertronix kit? I've got=
the LU-149 kit. Thanks!<br></div><div>Steven Kingsbury <br></div><di=
v>BN1</div><div><br></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div>On Aug 29, 2022, =
at 11:28 PM, Michael Oritt <michael.oritt@gmail.com> wrote:<br></div=
><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><div dir=3D"ltr"><div style=3D"color:#=
3333ff" class=3D"gmail_default">I've had the pleasure of replacing a set o=
f contact points alongside the road in the dark. If you don't g=
et the stack of insulating washers and parts correct you are going nowhere=
and it's awfully easy to drop one of the bits down and under the car=
--with the same result. <br></div><div style=3D"color:#3333ff" =
class=3D"gmail_default"><br></div><div style=3D"color:#3333ff" class=3D"gm=
ail_default">I put a Mallory Unilite distributor/ignition system in my Hea=
ley about twenty years ago with absolutely no issue other than a crac=
ked external ballast resistor and about three years ago I replaced th=
e module simply because I did not want to push my luck any further. =
On long trips I carry a spare distributor with drive dog attached, allowin=
g for quick and easy replacement and no need to worry about timing so=
long as I pay careful attention to the positions of the rotor and distrib=
utor body when switching things out.<br></div><div style=3D"color:#33=
33ff" class=3D"gmail_default"><br></div><div style=3D"color:#3333ff" class=
=3D"gmail_default">On my race cars I use Pertronix modules simply because =
the failure mode is almost always total which makes diagnosis much easier =
whereas with points there is one more component (the condenser) =
plus very often when points ignitions go bad the problem is often partial =
and/or intermittent, resulting in more time lost trying to diagnose the pr=
oblem with more sessions lost due to having more possibilities to eliminat=
e. <br></div><div style=3D"color:#3333ff" class=3D"gmail_default"><br=
></div><div style=3D"color:#3333ff" class=3D"gmail_default">Best--Michael =
Oritt<br></div></div><div><br></div><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div class=3D=
"gmail_attr" dir=3D"ltr">On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 8:47 PM warthodson--- via=
Healeys <<a href=3D"mailto:healeys@autox.team.net";>healeys@autox.team.=
net</a>> wrote:<br></div><blockquote style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;=
border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex" class=3D"gmail_qu=
ote"><div style=3D"color:black;font:12pt "Comic Sans MS",sans-se=
rif"><div>Since Pertronix don't have points I guess the answer is: "the ca=
r would not have been disabled due to the points failing". <br></div>=
<div> Gary<br></div><div> <br></div><div> <br></div><div style=3D"font-fam=
ily:arial,helvetica;font-size:10pt;color:black"><span style=3D"font-size:1=
3px" class=3D"size"><div>-----Original Message-----<br></div><div> From: d=
wflagg--- via Healeys <<a href=3D"mailto:healeys@autox.team.net";>healey=
s@autox.team.net</a>><br></div><div> To: <a href=3D"mailto:ahbn6@verizo=
n.net">ahbn6@verizon.net</a><br></div><div> Cc: <a href=3D"mailto:healeys@=
autox.team.net">healeys@autox.team.net</a><br></div><div> Sent: Mon, Aug 2=
9, 2022 12:00 pm<br></div><div> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Distributor guy<br>=
</div><div> <br></div><div> <br></div><div id=3D"gmail-m_-7552218057579924=
div><div><b><span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-size:12pt" class=3D"size"=
>Also, years ago whilst traveling the New York State Thruway I came upon a=
disabled Austin Healey whilst driving my own to a fraternity brother=
's wedding. This was before cell phones. Disabled vehicles were at the mer=
cy of tow trucks and </span></span></b><b style=3D"font-size:16px">ex=
orbitant fees. It was </b><span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-size:16px" =
class=3D"size"><b>determined</b></span></span><b style=3D"font-size:16px">=
there was no spark. With no tools but just a nail clipper with a nai=
l file, we filed the </b><span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-size:16px" c=
lass=3D"size"><b>points,</b></span></span><b style=3D"font-size:16px">&nbs=
p;and were both on our </b><span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-famil=
y:"Arial Black", sans-serif" class=3D"font"><span style=3D"font-=
size:12pt" class=3D"size"><span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-size:16px" =
class=3D"size"><b>way! Try</b></span><span style=3D"font-family:"Aria=
l Black", sans-serif" class=3D"font"><span style=3D""><span style=3D"=
font-size:12pt" class=3D"size"><b> that with a Pertronix unit!</b></s=
pan></span></span></span></span></span></span><br></div><div> <br></d=
iv><div><b><span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-size:12pt" class=3D"size">=
Doug</span></span></b><br></div><h1><b style=3D"font-size:10pt"><span styl=
e=3D""><span style=3D"font-family:"Arial Black", sans-serif" cla=
ss=3D"font"><span style=3D"font-size:12pt" class=3D"size">To add more fuel=
to the fire, while driving on the freeway in Las Vegas years ago I had th=
e rotor on my BN6 split in two. A highway patrolman stopped and repaired i=
t with super glue and a rubber band. I limped home 15 miles =E2=80=93 put =
on another rotor and kept a spare for safety and the repaired one in the p=
arcel shelve for memories. Try that with a Pertronix unit</span></span></s=
pan></b><br></h1><div><div><b><span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-family:=
"Arial Black", sans-serif" class=3D"font"><span style=3D"font-si=
ze:12pt" class=3D"size"> </span></span></span></b><br></div><div><b><=
span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-family:"Arial Black", sans-s=
erif" class=3D"font"><span style=3D"font-size:12pt" class=3D"size">John Si=
ms</span></span></span></b><br></div><div><b><span style=3D""><span style=3D=
"font-family:"Arial Black", sans-serif" class=3D"font"><span sty=
le=3D"font-size:12pt" class=3D"size"><a href=3D"http://www.healey6.com/"; s=
hape=3D"rect" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer"><span style=3D"color:rgb(5,99,19=
span style=3D""><span style=3D"font-family:"Arial Black", sans-s=
erif" class=3D"font"><span style=3D"font-size:12pt" class=3D"size">Matawan=
, NJ</span></span></span></b><br></div><div><b><span style=3D""><span styl=
e=3D"font-family:"Arial Black", sans-serif" class=3D"font"><span=
style=3D"font-size:12pt" class=3D"size"> </span></span></span></b><b=
r></div><div style=3D"border-right:none;border-bottom:none;border-left:non=
e;border-top:1pt solid rgb(225,225,225);padding:3pt 0in 0in"><div><div><b>=
From:</b> Healeys <<a href=3D"mailto:healeys-bounces@autox.team.net";>he=
aleys-bounces@autox.team.net</a>> <b>On Behalf Of </b>Jim Ryan<br></div=
><div><b>Sent:</b> Monday, August 29, 2022 10:12 AM<br></div><div><b>To:</=
b> patrick williams <<a href=3D"mailto:2x2doc@gmail.com";>2x2doc@gmail.c=
om</a>><br></div><div><b>Cc:</b> List Healey <<a href=3D"mailto:heal=
t:</b> Re: [Healeys] Distributor guy<br></div></div></div><div> <br><=
/div><div><div>Just wondering, the debate between this unit and the origin=
al points has always been that you can replace the points in the event of =
a failure on the side of the road. How difficult is it to replace this uni=
t in the same manner if you carried a spare, and what would the cost be fo=
r that spare? I'm referring to a1958 Bugeye here.<br></div></div><div>&nbs=
p;<br></div><div><div id=3D"gmail-m_-7552218057579924020gmail-m_1594055351=
053211080gmail-m_-5893998475483822937yiv3368558838yqt58837"><div><div>On M=
on, Aug 29, 2022, 8:21 AM patrick williams <<a href=3D"mailto:2x2doc@gm=
ail.com" shape=3D"rect" rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer">2x2doc@gmail.=
com</a>> wrote:<br></div></div><blockquote style=3D"border-top:none;bor=
der-right:none;border-bottom:none;border-left:1pt solid rgb(204,204,204);p=
adding:0in 0in 0in 6pt;margin-left:4.8pt;margin-right:0in"><div><div>It's =
been close to 20 years ago, but Jeff rebuilt my distributor, including the=
vacuum advance diaphram, and put in a pertronix unit. I'm very happ=
y with the results.<br></div><div><div>Pat Williams<br></div></div><div><d=
iv>1960 BT7<br></div></div></div><div style=3D"margin-bottom:12pt"><div>__=
_____________________________________________<br></div><div>Support <a rel=
=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://Team.Net";>Team.Net</a> <a href=3D"=
">http://www.team.net/donate.html</a><br></div><div>Suggested annual donat=
ion $12.75<br></div><div><br></div><div>Archive: <a href=3D"http://w=
ww.team.net/pipermail/healeys" shape=3D"rect" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">=
http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys</a> <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net=
/archive/healeys" shape=3D"rect" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">http://autox.=
team.net/archive/healeys</a><br></div><div><br></div><div><a href=3D"mailt=
o:Healeys@autox.team.net" shape=3D"rect" rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferr=
er">Healeys@autox.team.net</a><br></div><div><a href=3D"http://autox.team.=
net/mailman/listinfo/healeys" shape=3D"rect" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">h=
<div>Unsubscribe/Manage: <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/=
healeys/ryan@jimryan.com" shape=3D"rect" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">http:=
iv></blockquote></div></div></div></div></div><div id=3D"gmail-m_-75522180=
rt <a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://Team.Net";>Team.Net</a> <a=
rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html"; shap=
e=3D"rect">http://www.team.net/donate.html</a><br></div><div>Suggested ann=
ual donation $12.75<br></div><div><br></div><div>Archive: <a rel=3D"=
noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys"; shape=3D=
"rect">http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys </a><a rel=3D"noopener norefe=
rrer" href=3D"http://autox.team.net/archive/healeys"; shape=3D"rect">http:/=
/autox.team.net/archive/healeys</a><br></div><div><br></div><div><a href=3D=
"mailto:Healeys@autox.team.net"; shape=3D"rect">Healeys@autox.team.net</a><=
br></div><div><a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://autox.team.net=
/mailman/listinfo/healeys" shape=3D"rect">http://autox.team.net/mailman/li=
stinfo/healeys</a><br></div><div><br></div><div>Unsubscribe/Manage: <a rel=
=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/hea=
leys/warthodson@aol.com" shape=3D"rect">http://autox.team.net/mailman/opti=
_______________________________________________<br></div><div> Support <a =
rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://Team.Net";>Team.Net</a> <a rel=3D=
"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html";>http://www.=
team.net/donate.html</a><br></div><div> Suggested annual donation $1=
2.75<br></div><div> <br></div><div> Archive: <a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer=
" href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys";>http://www.team.net/piper=
mail/healeys</a> <a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://autox.team.=
iv> <br></div><div> <a href=3D"mailto:Healeys@autox.team.net";>Healeys@auto=
x.team.net</a><br></div><div> <a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http:=
istinfo/healeys</a><br></div><div> <br></div><div> Unsubscribe/Manage: <a =
rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/=
leys/michael.oritt@gmail.com</a><br></div><div> <br></div></blockquote></d=
>Support <a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://Team.Net";>Team.Net<=
/a> <a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html=
">http://www.team.net/donate.html</a><br></div><div>Suggested annual donat=
ion $12.75<br></div><div><br></div><div>Archive: <a rel=3D"noopener noref=
errer" href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys";>http://www.team.net/=
pipermail/healeys</a> <a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://autox.=
iv><div><br></div><div><a href=3D"mailto:Healeys@autox.team.net";>Healeys@a=
utox.team.net</a><br></div><div><a rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"htt=
/listinfo/healeys</a><br></div><div><br></div><div>Unsubscribe/Manage: <a =
rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/=
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