Check the regulator, make sure the points are sandpapered a bit, they could
be corroded, also check the gap as well. You can watch the points with the
cover off to see if it is working properly....
On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 2:05 PM, Patrick & Caroline Quinn <
p_cquinn at> wrote:
> Hello
> Now that the BN3?s engine is running I have discovered that the charging
> system is not charging.
> Both the ignition light is staying on and the ammeter while working, stays
> in the negative.
> I have checked the wiring and that appears to be correct. As the regulator
> is NOS, methinks that the generator is not generating.
> As far as I know it?s a standard generator as fitted to the early
> six-cylinder cars. What about new brushes? Any instructions out there for
> this electrically challenged person? The car is still positive earthed.
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