I have used Redline MT-90 in both 100M's and BJ8 transmissions for 8 - 10 years
now exclusively.
6 trips across the USA and Canada, 80,000+ miles. Another one in September.
No issues at all. Nice smooth shifting. MTL is thinner and tends to leak more
out of the 100?s tranny.
Highly recommend.
Randy Hicks
'56 100 M White/Black
'56 100 M Florida Green/OEW
'65 BJ8
'53 MGTD
'77 450 SL
Healey100M at me.com
> On Aug 9, 2017, at 7:44 AM, Charlie Baldwin <mgcharlie at comcast.net> wrote:
> Mike,
> You have probably stepped in it by getting an oil discussion started again.
> But to answer your question without adding my opinion to it, I believe that
> when someone on the list contacted Red Line, they recommended MT-90, which
> from memory is 40 wt. Check Red Line's website:
> https://www.redlineoil.com/Products.aspx?pcid=7
> <https://www.redlineoil.com/Products.aspx?pcid=7>
> They make a good argument for using a gear rated oil in a transmission as
> Harold also outlines below. As he mentions and we have discussed previously,
> it seems that the synthetic transmission oils do leak a bit more.
> Charlie
> On 8/8/2017 11:24 PM, Harold Manifold wrote:
>> Mike,
>> I am new to the Healey world but I am an engineer with an automotive
>> background who recently had a BN4 transmission with an overdrive completely
>> rebuilt. I could not find a consistent answer on the recommended oil for the
>> transmission. The original Healey manuals are not consistent either, the
>> shop manual recommends 20W50 and the Healey service bulletins from the day
>> recommend 30W. Coming up with the right oil is further complicated by the
>> design of a Healey transmission which is two different transmissions with a
>> common oil system. One transmission is a traditional gear type with syncro
>> rings that are not compatible with the additives in modern gear lubricants
>> and the other is a hydraulic pump. I am sure there will be much disagreement
>> but these are the steps I went through to select the oil I would use:
>> 1. The additives had to be compatible with brass and other soft metals used
>> in older transmissions.
>> 2. The oil should be designed to work with gears and have some level of EP
>> protection. Note very few engine oils meet gear oil specifications.
>> 3. The oil should have a viscosity similar 30W engine oil which was
>> recommended in an Austin Service bulletin in 1960 replacing 20W50.
>> The oil that best fits all of these requirements is a 70W-90 GL4 gear oil.
>> Red Line MT-90 meets this specification as does Pennzoil Synthetic 70W-90
>> GL4. I picked the Pennzoil as it costs less than the Red Line but both
>> should work well. Do not use a GL5 as the additives are not compatible with
>> brass. I looked into why Austin switched their recommended oil from 20W50 to
>> 30W and concluded it was for a lower viscosity at lower temperatures i.e.
>> when the transmission is cold. Viscosity is another important consideration.
>> 70W-90 GL4 has the same viscosity as 30W engine oil above 35 degrees C and a
>> better low temperature viscosity. The only downside I have seen with
>> Pennzoil Synthetic 70W-90 GL4 is that it can get through even the smallest
>> openings and cracks and the transmission may leak a little more but that is
>> evidence the oil is getting every where it should. I have heard Red Line
>> MT-90 doesn't leak as much as the Pennzoil.
>> For those that may doubt the viscosity claims please note that engine oils
>> and gears oils are classified differently and should be compared by looking
>> at the numbers on the can. See the attached viscosity curve.
>> I trust this helps but I want to emphasize this is the oil I use and I
>> recommend you reach your own conclusion.
>> Harold
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 5:47 PM
>> To: Healey List
>> Subject: [Healeys] Russ Thompson
>> Through a reference from the list I am having Russ Thompson in
>> Northridge, California rebuild my BN2 transmission. It is a low mileage
>> (10,000 mi. approx) transmission, but I wanted to be able to put it in and
>> not have to take it back out again. Good thing I took this precaution.
>> Russ found the overdrive stuck and would never have worked. Today he showed
>> me the accumulator piston. The smaller center piston was scored from dirt
>> or crap in the oil. Russ replaced it with a one piece piston from a Triumph
>> overdrive. There was a huge spring below it. Anyone heard of this? He
>> said engagement will be real positive now. Even with the low mileage, the
>> number 2 synchro was toast and will be replaced. The other two were fine
>> and will be re-used. All the gears showed very little sign of wear. The
>> reverse gear had some surface rust on the teeth, but that can be blasted and
>> it will be fine. Getting closer to having the drive train is the car.
>> I know I am going to start a discussion, but Russ recommends using 40wt
>> motor oil for the transmission. Anyone know what weight Redline MTL is?
>> Mike MacLean
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