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[Healeys] What am I

Subject: [Healeys] What am I
From: bspidell at comcast.net (Bob Spidell)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 05:20:45 +0200 (CEST)
References: <9ce0cacd-8afc-48ee-bad3-4adbb0d8c17d@me.com> <20170730214308.1VM41.136943.root@cdptpa-web07>
I give up.  I took a BN2 down to nuts and bolts and don't recall anything like 

Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA

>     On July 30, 2017 at 11:43 PM glemon at neb.rr.com wrote:
>     This was in a box of mostly BN1 bits, I don't recognize it, but it looks 
> to be the right age and is not just a garden variety clamp, if you know what 
> it is and can use it you can have it, part number 1G5271 with an "A" 
> Triangle, or maybe the Star Trek shirt breast insignia at the end.
>     Still have a box full of 2000-01 and 07-08 Healey Marques ready to ship 
> out.
>     Lastly the BN1 3 speed is well suited to the 100 motor and a great 
> driving experience,
>     Greg Lemon
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