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[Healeys] Front leather seat installation

Subject: [Healeys] Front leather seat installation
From: bspidell at comcast.net (Bob Spidell)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 07:56:12 -0700
References: <852087168.294513.1501161886712.ref@mail.yahoo.com> <852087168.294513.1501161886712@mail.yahoo.com>
Weldwood is the best, IMO (and my upholsterer's opinion):


But, for just a couple seats, this should be enough:


Neither will damage the foam.


On 7/27/2017 6:24 AM, Stephen Hutchings wrote:
> I won't get around to this before the car comes off the road for the 
> winter, but I've got the leather pieces for my front seats (BJ8), and 
> I'm gathering all the advice and tips I can get ahead of time for the 
> installation. I've watched Matthew Randell's video, but the 100-6 
> seats are a bit different.
> I'd like to hear from those that have done this, particularly on what 
> to glue and what not to. I'm concerned that the foam backing on the 
> seat cushion part may not take well to contact cement.
> Anyway, I'd appreciate the benefit of your experience.
> Please don't reply that I should hire a pro, because I've already made 
> that decision based on what I've been able to do so far.
> Thanks,
> Stephen, BJ8

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