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[Healeys] Toyota 5 speed

Subject: [Healeys] Toyota 5 speed
From: tomfelts at windstream.net (Tom Felts)
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 8:03:56 -0400
and I'm sure I can find a more powerful engine that weighs less, can find a 
neat AC system and cruise control.  But, there is something to be said for an 
original Healey with all its drawbacks.

---- Rick Wilkins <rick at ewilkins.com> wrote: 

The Toyota Transmission weighs about 75 pounds less, has less parastitic drag 
drag on the engine (more power to the road), and a reverse light switch.


> On Jul 1, 2017, at 6:25 AM, John O'Brien <banjojohn at cox.net> wrote:
> I've seen threads on the Toyota 5 speed conversion, and looked through the 
> archives a bit.  My BJ8 has the original trans. with the overdrive which all 
> works as it is supposed to.  What is the advantage to converting to the 
> Toyota 5 speed over using the factory setup?
> John O'Brien
> '61 bugeye "Lucy"
> "65 BJ8 P1 "Madelyn"

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