You will, of course, repair the old one and keep it in the boot; if, for
nothing else, to make sure the new one behaves?
On 10/8/2016 7:49 AM, wrote:
> Hello all and thanks for all the replies on this. It has been a bit
> exasperating.
> After extensive investigation I installed a new pump - problem solved. I
> suppose there was something internal going on with the pump like maybe
> cracked diaphragm or some probs with the one way valves. Well now to sit
> back and wait on the next issue . . . . . ....
> Keith
> On 09/28/16, wrote:
> Listers,
> This one has really got me stumped. A couple weeks ago went on a 40 or so
> mile ride. Car ran great. No probs. At one point I was stopped and I could
> hear the fuel pump clicking away, 3-4 clicks per second. This was true
> whether at idle or higher rpm. I knew that normally at idle there was an
> occasional click.
> Once back home I restarted the car and same thing. Then over several days I
> attempted to fix the prob. A different pump gave the same results. I replaced
> the filter and still same thing. Oh BTW there was no fuel underneath as is
> the case when a float needle is stuck and fuel comes out the overflow. No
> fuel shows up anywhere.
> Why does the pump continue to click so fast????? Why does it NOT slow to an
> occasional click????? What is the fix???? I am flustered.
> Keith
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