My shop in N.Y. does not require me to be waterborne
compliant.......yet. Since I am a small shop I do not need to get ahead
of the game and switch over.
I have no experience with waterborne, however, I can offer this...
If you have the choice, go solvent based, if a solid color...B go 2-3
coats urethane and be done with it , the less material the better (
assuming your painter is good and does the job right with out sandind
half of it off)
Base/clear for metallics... again if your painter knows his craft, the
job will be blended correctly and 2 coats clear.
Since the technology hasnt been perfected...yetB for a waterborne
clearcoat system it has to be solvent based.
Your golden with the solid colors as they can be spot repaired anywhere
and no serious blending required... B (you did save some original paint
and its formula didnt you ???
Maybe some one with waterborne experience can help out, My point being
if you have a solid color , you are better off with solvent base, not a
huge buildup of material and just enough to do a few buffings and a
colorsand and buff in a decade or so, and simple repair of chips ect.
can easily be done.
note....B B clearcoats will haze and look aged easier than a solid coat
under normal wear and tear.
Carroll Phillips
Top Down Restorations Inc.