Im going to chime in 2 cents worth,
On all my restorations I use PPGB DCCB and die down the gloss with a
flattening agent. You can control the amount of gloss ( I usually go
somewhere above a semi gloss to replicate the original enamel look). You
can usually find something somewhere that stilll has good paint and find
out how glossy or dull the paint was.The urethane will hold up extremely
well and for the next guy who restores the car, doesnt have to kill
himself getting powder coatings off. I only glass bead cast (rough)
items, all smooth metal gets a light sanding after removing paint (
paint remover )Rusty areas can be dealt with by glass bead, wire wheel
ect. and a little body putty. I use DP epoxy thinned slightly as a good
base then apply the DCC. It all replicates the old style enamel and you
can add runs like originalB !
Carroll Phillips
Top Down Restorations Inc.