Hi Stephen -
I'd defer to Bob Yule on this. Maybe I got a little confused on which hole
you were talking about.
I'm sorry if I screwed it up for you. Bob is right, too much oil up there
can cause oil leakage and oil burning problems.
If your rockers are tight with new bushings, it shouldn't be a problem, but
the restriction is useful as it all wears in.
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Bob Yule <autofarm@xplornet.ca> wrote:
> Stephen, the oil hole is soldered partly to restrict the oil flow
> to
> the rockershaft bushings. This was quite common once the shaft and/or
> bushings became worn because it would allow too much oil to accumulate on
> top of the head and consequently leak from the rocker cover gasket and oil
> fill hole. It would also give a raised oil pressure reading on the gauge.
> Cheers...Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: healeys-bounces@autox.team.net [mailto:
> healeys-bounces@autox.team.net]
> Sent: December-10-13 5:59 AM
> To: healeys@autox.team.net
> Cc: StephenCuss
> Subject: [Healeys] BN1 Cylinder Head issues
> Can anybody please tell me how they overcome the lack of an oil gun to
> service the nipples on the various points, as I do not have the original
> Tecalmit tool I a based in the UK, also has anybody with a BN1 come across
> the issue of the oil feed nozzle in the cylinder head being reduced by
> using
> solder , and if so why? I have just had the original head refitted with
> hardened values and seats for unleaded petrol. On inspection the original
> nozzle has had the outlet restricted to about 30% of original hole
> diameter.Thanks in advance for any help with these issues.
> Stephen
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