A very cool car also from BAT
Come with a Imp Spot 998cc engine. I had one inmy Imp and built a two carb
SU manifold. The car would do 12K. Its a real screamer back in the day. and
still got 35 MPG. of course it used quarts and quarts of oil.....
Ira Erbs
Portland, OR
_______ _______
(______ \____1960 BT7____/ _______)
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 10:26 AM, <ggilliam@usol.com> wrote:
> Just saw this listing on Bring A Trailer for an unusual build....
> http://bringatrailer.com/2013/12/02/head-scratcher-supra-
> powered-1956-austin-healey-100-gt-coupe/
> Be the first in your neighborhood to have one!
> Gordy
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