Springthing 2013!!
Bluegrass Club invites you to bask in the majestic
beauty of the rolling hills between Shelbyville and
Frankfort. Both cities boast beautiful, historic
downtowns with plenty of shops and restaurants
to keep you busy. They are also home to some of
the Commonwealthbs best wineries and bourbon
breweries, not to mention world-famous back roads.
Frankfort is home to the Kentucky State Capital and
dozens of historic sites, including Daniel Boonebs
grave, the Governorbs Mansion and the capital
building itself. This quaint college town has all the
historic charm you could ask for.
Shelbyville is just outside the Louisville city limits
and has a thriving downtown antique market, plus
some of the most amazing culinary stops youbll find
in the state. Whether itbs lunching at historic Science Hill or enjoying our
all-inclusive Kentucky buffet at Claudia Sandersb Dinner House (yes, that
Sanders!) you wonbt go hungry, or thirsty, on this trip!
that Sanders!) you wonbt go hungry, or thirsty, on this trip!
Join us May 16-19, 2013 for this most
excellent adventure in the Bluegrass!
Visit www.BluegrassClub.com for more information and a registration form
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive