The method below works well. However, you can use a larger drill bit,
say 3/16" if you move the bit center point an appropriate distance
away from the desired finished inside diameter. After drilling a
series of 3/16" holes, change the bit to a 1/4" bit and carefully
re-drill the holes. This will do most of the cutting and you will
then need to file. I just made the large steel lock washer on the
front of the transmission bearing using this method.
At 06:13 AM 1/21/2013 -0800, Steve Gerow wrote:
>By hand method: draw the holes as you want them with a compass on a piece of
>paper. Glue the paper to the dash with contact cement or spray glue.
>Take a small drill and drill a series of holes inside of the circles as
>close together as you can get them. Maybe a 3/32" drill with 1/16" between
>the holes. Take wire cutters and cut the gaps between the holes, removing
>the nasty, jagged center disc which looks like a ninja throwing star.
>Take a half round file or "barrel" sanding drum and file/sand the openings
>outward until the instruments fit.
> >>>
>Peter Linn wrote:
>. Anyone got any ideas for
>making a neat job of this?